Do’s and Dont’s if You’re Involved in A Car Wreck in SC
Do’s and Dont’s if You’re Involved in A Car Wreck in SC
This may seem obvious, but many folks won*t call if the collision seems minor. Don*t be one of those people. There are two reasons to call: First, they will respond and make sure everything: drivers, passengers, vehicles, etc. are safe and drivable. what insurance companies are responsible, and identify the at-fault party.
Burden of Proof in Criminal Cases, Why You Should Know It, Care About It, and Cherish It
Burden of Proof in Criminal Cases, Why You Should Know It, Care About It, and Cherish It
From little kids to politicians (which often are one in the same), we often hear this phrase. In the realm of criminal law, the burden of proof is what protects our family, friends, and loved ones from being convicted and jailed for crimes the State simply cannot prove they committed.
Help! Someone Is Bringing a Restraining Order Against Me
Help! Someone Is Bringing a Restraining Order Against Me
Bad breakup? Family Turmoil? A few weeks later, a deputy shows up at your door handing you a piece of paper informing you someone is seeking a restraining order against you. Your mind floods with worry.